Your first port of call should be your Forest Owners Co-op Adviser. He or she will be able to give you objective answers to your questions.
Change of Ownership:
You must notify the Department’s Forestry Division in advance if you are planning to sell or transfer ownership of any part of your grant-aided forest during the term of the grant and premium contract. If you fail to do so, you risk claw-back by the Department of all grants and premiums paid out since the date of the completion of the forest.
Please visit relevant department websites for more information or contact the FOCS office.
Main points to watch out for when purchasing land:
- Land quality- suitability of soil, potential exposure, drainage and environmental limitations such as Special Areas of Conservation, Special Protection Areas etc, this could impact your eligibility for grant aid.
- Be aware that you cannot change land use from forestry to agriculture as per the Forestry Act 2014. You will have a legal obligation to re-establish a forest.
- The income generated from forestry is dependant on several factors such as type of land, type of trees planted and the condition and maturity of the trees.
- This is a long-term commitment, forestry can be financially attractive but requires active management to become well established and get the best returns.
- You must follow all relevant legislation and adhere to grant aid regulations. It is important that you understand your responsibility to the the Forest Service (DAFM) for your forest.
Please contact FOCS to speak to a professional about forestry grant aid and information regarding the purchase and valuation of forested land.
Remember to contact FOCS to talk with a qualified team of Forestry Advisors before making any decisions.